Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Who's lying

I think it's obvious. Basically, in order to believe Roger Clemens; you'd have to believe all of the following.
1. McNamee somehow told the truth about Chuck Knoblauch, Andy Pettitte, and Debbie Clemens (!) but not Roger Clemens,
2. Andy Pettitte is the most honest person in the world except when he misunderstands a major conversation.
3. Roger told Pettitte about Debbie's HGH use 4 years before it happened.
4. Roger allowed Debbie to use something from McNamee without what it was or its effects.
5. Roger's nanny is a liar.
6. Roger's career upswing is normal despite the Wharton School's disagreement.
7. Roger's sore on his butt came from b-12 instead of Winstrol which is in disagreement with Baylor Doctor who specializes in muscular and bone bruises.

Brian McNamee is a dirtbag. However, I have no doubt he was more honest than the Rocket in today's hearings.

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